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Osarodion Victory Igbinobaro




AERO AI has a deep-rooted passion for drone technology and software solutions, the company has been setting the pace in using real-time game engine technology in the drone industry. AERO AI has a reputation for leveraging cutting-edge technology to transform raw drone data into valuable insights, helping businesses across various sectors to make more informed decisions.

LAS VEGAS, NV - < AERO AI, a drone solutions and 3D software development company, today announced that it has received an Epic MegaGrant from Epic Games. AERO AI will use the MegaGrant to continue the development of its flagship project SiEGA; An immersive 3D platform for drone geospatial data.


By harnessing the powerful Unreal Engine, the Simulated Environment for Geospatial Assets, SiEGA, is designed to transform drone-acquired geospatial data into highly detailed, interactive and navigable3D models. Users can interact with these models in real-time, gaining unprecedented insights into the geographical context of the data, which is invaluable for industries like construction, architecture, engineering, urban planning, and more.

With the support from the MegaGrant, AERO AI stands on the cusp of an exciting new chapter in their journey. Their work, fueled by this grant, is poised to create even more transformative changes in the drone technology landscape. The ​MegaGrant will empower AERO AI to drive the continued development and refinement of SiEGA ,amplifying its capabilities and enhancing its potential to revolutionize drone data usage.


This remarkable achievement by AERO AI signals promising developments on the horizon for the drone technology sector and a bright future for a company committed to pioneering innovative solutions. 

AERO AI receives Epic MegaGrant from Epic Games

AERO AI, a drone solutions and 3D software development company, today announced that it has received an Epic MegaGrant from Epic Games.

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Osarodion Victory Igbinobaro

August 24, 2023 at 3:13:11 PM

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