Tech Alley: Who we are

Making knowledge-sharing simple.

Tech Alley launched in 2021 in Las Vegas, Nevada, to build the Vegas tech and startup scene by providing a platform that brings technology, entrepreneur, and innovation groups into one place.

Our founder, Josh Leavitt, sought to inspire a mentorship culture by turning mentors into superstars. His vision ignited a Vegas startup movement that attracted founders, investors, and experts in all areas to share their advice, grow talent, and help bring ideas to market.

Tech Alley has become the Accelerator of Activity and the Heart of the Startup Culture by making knowledge-sharing simple through our events, startup resources, networks, and discounts.

our: mission

To strengthen communities by bringing people together, fostering a creative class, and creating an inclusive, diverse, and innovative technology and startup culture.

our: principles


A tech and startup community needs to be an inclusive, diverse, and full of entry-points to build a creative culture. Everyone will be welcomed to participate.


There can be no barriers for people interested in sharing ideas, networking, and inspiring new ways of thinking to engage the tech and startup scene. Tech Alley events will be free, easily accessible, and available.


It is essential that activities are consistent and regular. People need confidence that the community will be there, ready to welcome those who wish to participate.

Who We Are

our: board of directors

Joshua Leavitt (President)
CEO and Founder, Tech Alley
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Snehal Bhakta (Secretary)
CTE Administrator, Clark County School District
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Joshua Barousse (Treasurer)
Director of Development & Co-Founder, San José Spotlight
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Joseph Haecker
CEO at Join inCrowd
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annual sponsorships



-Speaking during event kick-offs.
-Recognition at national events.
-Logo on all national marketing and event material.
-Opportunity to host a session.
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-Speaking opportunity local event.
-Recognition during local events.
-Logo on local marketing and event material.
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Single Event


-Speaking opportunity at local event.
-Recognition during local event.
-Logo on local event material
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