Thanks for taking the time to sit with us to share your Startup Story with our readers. Can you start out by sharing a little bit about yourself and your company?
We are a innovative local vertical farming company that develops micrograms
With a million business ideas out there, what makes your business unique?
In 2015 I was introduced to food deserts and vertical farming at the same time and discovered that one could be used as a solution for the other.
Every business has some sort of catalyst for getting started, or some inspiration. What was your "ah ha" moment?
Food insecurity and the inability to develop sustainable agriculture in Southern Nevada.
Launching a business is hard. Do you have a team or people that have helped you along the way? And, can you share a little bit about that?
I have been blessed to work with others who share or have adopted my vision of re imagining our food system and leading the way in developing the next generation of farmers.
People love an inside scoop. What is something most people might not know about you or your company?
That we are black and veteran owned making us one of the first vertical farms of our type in the country.
Every business hits that wall, or hurdle. What is a major hurdle your business is facing?
Funding. Because we are small and are minorities we have not had the same success as others when it comes to investments.
Starting and running a business is a major learning experience. Up until this point, what is the biggest lesson you have learned about running your business and the field you are in?
Hard work and dedication go a long way along with consistency.
For those first learning about your business, could you share three key takeaways that you believe our readers should know about you, your business or your product/solution?
We are farm growing food with innovation and recycling water and nutrients. We use 98% less space than traditional farming. We harvest in a third of the time of traditional farming.
Why should people use your company or solution?
The one thing we all share is food. We are hyper local and believe that if you know your know your food.
Are you currently seeking funding, co-founders or building out your team?
Yes we are seeking funding and mentors.
Well, it has been wonderful sitting with you today to learn more about you and your company. How can people find out more about what you guys are up to?
Checkout out social media and website:
Pinterest -
Instagram -
Website -
Thank you for taking the time today to sit with us and share your Startup Story.